Terminated From Work: Your Rights When You Are Discriminated Against

12 February 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Workplace discrimination happens all the time, but this does not make it easy to prove. While the Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act protects you from being discriminated against in the workplace because of a pregnancy, you might find yourself demoted or fired because of discrimination. After announcing a pregnancy, some women suddenly find they are no longer needed at work. Trying to provide workplace pregnancy discrimination is going to take some effort. Read More …

Legal Guidelines Of Employment-Related Drug Tests

10 February 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Drug testing is a common practice in the workforce, with applications and existing employees often being subject to tests. However, just because something is the standard or norm, doesn't mean that an abuse of power cannot exist. Companies are restricted to a certain set of laws and guidelines when it comes to the testing process. When the organization bypasses these guidelines, their actions could be considered a violation of the law. Read More …

Tips To Find The Right Employment Attorney To Go After Your Employer

28 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you've been laid off or reprimanded in some way that you believe is unfair or if you've been the victim of harassment or discrimination in the workplace, you may have a legal case on your hands. But before you can move forward, you have to make sure you choose the right legal counsel. Employment law cases can be tricky and you will want to make sure you spend time getting the details right before you file suit or contact your employer to negotiate. Read More …

Why Hearsay Can Be Against You In Court

28 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

One of the greatest misconceptions about the law is that hearsay has no place in court. Ask any criminal defense lawyer, and you'll hear a very different tune. Let's look at the why and how of the admissibility of hearsay. Why Should Hearsay Be Admitted? In the very broadest sense, hearsay is inadmissible. Courts are not wild about people being tried on the basis of what might be nothing more than gossip. Read More …

Seeking Foreign Partners In Business And How Your International Trade Attorney Can Help

28 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When you are ready to expand your business into international territory, you generally hope for a business partner that can make it happen and be the person to keep a watchful eye on things. As you begin looking for business partners on foreign soil, you will need the professional counsel of an international trade attorney. Here is how the trade attorney can help you find the best global markets to tap into and partner with. Read More …

About Me
Working With A Business Attorney

What your company needs today may not be the same as what it needs tomorrow. Needs change all the time, especially when you operate a large, successful business. However, if you aren't careful, you could develop legal problems that could really jeopardize your profits. On this website, you will be able to read all about working with a business attorney and making sure all of your bases are covered. Check out this blog to find out what you can do, and why you should focus your efforts on finding lawyers who can cover you, your property, and your employees in all kinds of situations.
